The Tugruk and Sakra (NOTE: This post is for mature audiences only.)

The Tudruk or Tugbuk (Penis Pin) and Sakra (Penis Ring) were objects used by the early Cebuanos and other ethnic groups to add spice and excitement to their sexual lifestyle. Unfortunately, this practice of putting tudruk and sakra on male penises were prohibited when the Catholic Spanish missionaries came to the island. One of the missionaries had even conducted a tedious individual penis inspection to get rid of these things that they called “satanic and barbaric”. The European missionaries were dumbfounded when they found out that the natives were practicing such “malevolent deeds”.

Despite their professions of piety, the early Spaniards were curious about the native’s culture and even studied the sex life of the natives. The first Europeans to record the sexual practices in the Philippines were Antonio Pigafetta and Fray Juan de Plasencia.

Pigafetta interviewed and examined couples at length. Here are some of his findings:

Both young and old males pierce their penises with a gold or tin rod the size of a goose quill. In both ends of the same bolt, some have what resembles a spur, with points upon the ends; others are like the head of a cart nail. I very often asked many, both young and old, to see their penis, because I could not credit it. In the middle of the bolt is a hole, through which they urinate.

The bolt and the spurs always hold firm. They say that the women wish it so, and if they did otherwise they would not have communication with them.

When a man wishes to have intercourse with a woman, she takes his penis not in the normal way, but gently introduces first the top spur and then the bottom one into her vagina. Once inside, the penis becomes erect and cannot be withdrawn until it is limp.

Pigafetta asserted that the women hated this mode of fornication, which lacerated their organs. “they very much preferred our men to their own,” he noted with the hint of a boast. (bloggers thoughts: WDF.)

He was wrong. Later, Spaniards found the painful posture to be the rage, especially in the Visayas. Juan de Medina, an Agustinian friar, wrote that women there would copulate only that way and were “grief stricken” when Catholic missionaries compelled them to reform as the European missionaries were scandalized and described the women natives as “sex crazed and lack proper civilization”.

This form of sexual pleasure has also been found on other parts of Southeast Asia such as Borneo.


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